Monday, December 31, 2012

Short stock take on 2012

Well the end of the year is upon us and what a year has been!!! I have been doing the usual runner calculations and thinking about my targets for 2013. 

Running totals for 2012
  • Race miles 196
  • 249 days running
  • Miles for year 1815 (I didn't find daily mile until after my running year had started)
  • Highest Monthly mileage 190
  • Highest weekly mileage 48
  • Races 21

Looking back there have been some great memories such as being 1 of 5,000 that took part in the Olympic Park Run in March. Running two 20 mile races; one I loathed and the other I loved, moved clubs to Trentham Running Club and met loads of new friends along the way.  Running the Wild thing in September with the new found friends. 
All of that was in between working full time and going back to college to study HNC in sport and fitness.

I started the year with the number 8 in my mind and I was going to:
  • run 8 half marathons - I actually did 9!!
  • get 8 PB - over achieved again
  • volunteer at 8 parkrun - failed only achieved 3 out of 8 
  • loss 8lb and keep it off - failed managed to lose 4lb and keep it off but christmas has not helped 

All in all it has been a good year and a fun year, I am looking forward to 2013 and the new challenges and distances. Take care everyone and have a great New Year’s Eve whatever you are doing 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

My Marathon Training Plan

17/12/12 1 Strength 30 tempo 6 m run 3 x hill Yoga 5 m pace 10  
24/12/12 2 Strength 30 tempo 6 m run 3 m pace Yoga 5 m run 11 Christmas Wk
31/12/12 3 Strength 4 x 800 6 m run 30 tempo Yoga 6 m pace 8 New Year Wk
07/01/13 4 Strength 4 x hill 6 m run 35 tempo Yoga 6 m pace 13  
14/01/13 5 Strength 35 tempo 6 m run 3 m pace Yoga 7 m run 14  
21/01/13 6 Strength 5 x 800 6 m run 35 tempo Yoga 7 m pace 10 My Birthday Wk
28/01/13 7 Strength 40 tempo 7 m run 5 x hill Yoga 8 m pace 16  
04/02/13 8 Strength 40 tempo 7 m run 3 m pace Yoga 8 m run 17  
11/02/13 9 Strength 6 x 800 8 m run 40 tempo Yoga Rest Half Marathon Brighton
18/02/13 10 Strength 6 x hill 7 m run 45 tempo Yoga 9 m pace 19  
25/02/13 11 Strength 45 tempo 9 m run 4 m pace Yoga 10 m run 12  
04/03/13 12 Strength 7 x 800 9 m run 45 tempo Yoga 6 m pace 20 Stafford 20
11/03/13 13 Strength 50 tempo 9 m run 7 x hill Yoga 10 m pace 13 Stafford Half
18/03/13 14 Strength 45 tempo 10 m run 5 m pace Yoga 6 m run 23  
25/03/13 15 Strength 8 x 800 10 m run 40 tempo Yoga 10 m pace 20 Sean Birthday Wk
01/04/13 16 Strength 30 tempo 10 m run 6 x hill Yoga 4 m pace 12  
08/04/13 17 Strength 30 tempo 8 m run 4 m pace Yoga 4 m run 8  
15/04/13 18 Strength 4 x 400 6 m run Yoga Yoga 2 m run Marathon Virgin London Marathon
This training plan has been adapted from an excellent website and training plan provided by Hal Hidgon
and was suggested to me by @Gearselected

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Lapsed Blogger

Hello my name is Kirsten and I'm lapsed blogger, it has been over 29 days since my last blog, but I have plenty of good excuses why I have blogged and they are:

I have had to hand in two assignments for my HNC course; 1 on Anatomy and Physiology and 2 on Sport psychology. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing both of them; YES it has been hard work , YES did I want to throw  the towel in , YES was I convinced I couldn't do it and YES Google is friend YES! I have learnt so much during the course and I have been able to apply a lot of the theory into my running.  This means unfortunately some of my running buddies have had me psycho- analysing them and boring them with the eccentric, isometric and concentric muscle contractions, but it is a small price to pay.

The other reason for my lack of blogging is Go-Vember, it’s a running take on Mo-Vember, where we agree to run/walk/swim or cycle at least a mile every day during November.  I very nearly stumbled on day 2 but was Facebook shamed (in the nicest possible way) into going out for a walk at 9:45pm to clock my mile.  It is now day 21 and miles logged are 133 (132 running and 1 walking), I am aiming for 170 by then end of the month. It is tough going but I am still getting out there….longing for a rest day in December!

I have found both my course and Go-Vember tough but then again….. is something really worth having if you don’t work for it????

Challenging ourselves is something we need to do more; feel the fear and do it anyway.  What do we really have to lose anyway? a bit of pride maybe if we fail BUT think of what you gain if you succeed a) sense of achievement b) a new experience c) sense of fulfilment personally I think that is a chance worth taking. 

Oh and by the way got my 1st mark back from one of my assignments and it was a distinction!! Me a distinction!! 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Busy busy busy

Gosh it has been a while since I have blogged anything, there are couple of reasons for this and is mainly lack of time, but on a positive note I have out running, so not everything has stopped

This September I signed up to a part time HNC course in Sport and Fitness, which is great fun. I’m loving learning all this new stuff about anatomy and physiology and sport psychology but it’s a struggle to fit it in with working full time, training 4 days a week, fundraising for MacMillan Cancer Support and being a full time girlfriend.  It definitely feels like a 3 Weetabix day but at the moment the plates are still spinning, they are getting a little wobbly at times but they are still up there!

I have kicked off my fundraising set up my fundraising page started talking about it on Facebook and Twitter and so far I am up to 9% of my total which is good, I have more ideas for fundraising and I just need to kick these off, but I think that there is a fine line between how often you can talk about fundriasing, else you run the risk to annoying people, but hope to get the balance right, but if you want to make a small donation just click on the just giving sponsor me button on the right hand side :o) ---------->

I have just finished my last major run of the year, the Great Birmingham Half Marathon; it was great fun but tinged with sadness as a runner died just after he finished the race. He was a young, only 36, years old, I am not sure what the cause of death was and my thoughts and sympathy go out to his family, he ran his last race.  

There are a number of local races, either 10k or 10 miles, I could enter before the year ends; but I have not signed up to anything which does feel a little strange, perhaps it is because I have my studies to occupy my mind and races due consume a lot of the weekend which is valuable study and assignment time. 

Perhaps is also that my mind is already thinking about my first ever marathon London in April 13 and thinking about how to train.  I am struggling to find a suitable training plan; I am currently running 4 times a week, my long run is normally in excess of 13-14 miles and putting in 35-40 miles a week, the plans I have found so far seem to be going back to the beginning and really lowering my mileage, which is something I don’t want to do.  I am going to have to do a bit more research and see what I can find.

Let the search begin...

Monday, October 1, 2012

On a high note.......

Over the last few days there have been a number of highs and lows.....

Low – not getting a place in the VLM Ballot (really don’t like Elvis any more)
High – getting a gold bond place through McMillan Cancer Trust (thank you, thank you, much)
Low – dusting off my fundraising strategy (where did I put envelope I wrote it on)
High – finally getting heating back in my car (I can see clearly now the fog has gone)
Low – that strange rubbing sound in my car is getting louder ( I can’t hear my music any more, and the radio is has high as it can go)
High – getting a sub 1:45 half marathon PB at the Robin Hood Half (thank you mister New Balance pacer, how did you like the look of my back in the last mile)
Low – not starting my college homework until Monday night (it needs to be in on Tuesday how hard can it be to write an informative text on the human anatomy and undertake the analysis of the sports psychology questionnaires)
High – Happy October (new month only 2 more until Chrismtas)
Low – still not started the homework (but thinking counts right?!??!?!)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Only gone and done it!!

I am in!

In the London Marathon for 2013, unfortunately I was not successful through the ballot, however I did have a number of back up plans and one of those came off.  I am running next year’s Virgin London Marathon for Macmillan Cancer Support, to tell you the truth I would have been raising money for them anyway if I had got a place, as it helps to have something to give me the virtual kick up the bum when it is cold and rainy outside and I don’t want to train. The fund raising target is a little steep at £2,000 but I think I will be able to pull it off, there will be a series of events and fundraising going on over the next few months. 

As this is a new (ish) blog it may be worthwhile giving you a little bit of history about how cancer has touched my life. 

Me & Dad 1974
My own story is that of my dad, a nice chap someone you want on your side, always willing to help you out and can turn his hand to anything and everything, although navigation is not one of his strong suits ;). 

It was during the end of 2010 and he beginning of 2011 that he got the devastating news he had bladder cancer, his and our world started to crumble.  THE BIG C, this was the first time it had hit our family in such a direct way. I did what I do best and that was research, research research and the MacMillian Cancer support site provided me with the information and access to real people who were going through or had been though something very similar to ourselves.  It was reassuring to get good, easy and readable information about what was going on and real people who were living testaments that life goes on.

It is hard to believe that barely a year after the news my Dad had has his chemo, had his operation and now is back to his old self again getting on and enjoying his retirement, annoying my mum and getting lose where every he goes.

I know we are the lucky ones and ours is a positive story, there are others who have lost loved ones and friends before their time.  Macmillan Cancer support is there for all and provides a much valued service and support for people when they need it the most.  

The reason I am running to raise money is because I can, I am fit and able to put one foot in front of the other, there are plenty of people who would love to but can’t so for them I am running!

Monday, September 3, 2012

When work and running collide

This is a little bit of a rant post so please forgive me, however I need to get it off my chest, it has bugged me all night during ‘shortened’ run tonight.

The last few days work has really dedicated my life outside of the office walls, now don’t get me wrong normally I don’t mind going that extra mile for work I have been known to work long days check my emails while on leave (aboard) and at weekend, however just recently it seems to be a little more demanding than recently.

Perhaps it was then  that I noticed that there seems to be a little bit of discrimination  in the work place; between those people who have children and those of us who have other commitments outside of work… I don’t know lets for example say running. 

When I try to leave work ON TIME, that is not early but on time, so I can fit in my schedule run then I get comments like; "your only going for run, can't you skip it" or "you can always go later" or the favourite "running is bad for you knees!"

This brings me right back to the last two days at work, Friday’s run had to be cut from 8 miles run to 6 and tonight’s rung cut from 11 miles to 7. Now losing out on 6 miles, might not seem like a lot but these miles start to creep up and before you know it your 40 mile week and end up doing a 30 mile a week and when you are training for something those miles count.  It just goes to show that some people just don’t get it.

Perhaps I'm fortunate with no kids I can squeeze these runs in and it only affects me and long suffering other half. But the point is that my runs are like my children, I need to make sure that I find time for it.  Without running I would be a lot more stressed, unhealthy and probably at least a stone over weight, my running puts balance back in to life.

RUNNING COMMUTE “, I hear you shout; been there and done that.  I try at least once week to include a running commute from work and during the summer I nailed that 2 day running commute; drive to work on day 1 and run home and get up the next day run to work and then drive home. A sneaky way to sneak to make sure you get 2 runs in and save on petrol ;-)

However even these can get pushed to the wire and with the nights are drawing in again, these might have to go all together got to stay safe out there!

Well rant over, not sure I have change the world, but I feel a little better now and I am sorry if I have offended you, but this my opinion and my blog.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


I have had a busy old couple of months, I have been on holiday in Mexico in which we had a fab time; Mexico is a long favourite holiday destination for me.  I love the food, love the drink and love the sun! So when we booked it last August for the 1st two weeks in July 2012 it sounded a long long time away! However before we knew it we were heading off in to the sun, it has been a tough few weeks for me at work, a lot of long stressful days and this holiday I was really looking forward to!

The holiday was everything I was expecting and more, the only downside was that it was the start of their rainy season so we had a couple of days when we had a shower or two, but other than that it was great. We had a romantic meal on the beach.

Took a trip to Coco Bongo , now this is one place you should go to if you ever make it to Mexico, it’s a great show and the dancers where amazing, something truly to behold. But one of the funnist things was watching the girls who thought they were all that dancing on the podum inbetween the shows, and every so often they would send up a jet of air and the poor girls skirt would end up around her ears! Fortunately all of the girls were wearing knickers, but they would never learn, after the jet had gone off they would carry on dancing without a care in the world and then of course the jet of air would go off again! Needless to say I didn’t get up there…no on wants to see that!

We loved Mexico so much that we are going back next year, but with all of the training I am going to have to do next year we are going to have to wait until later on in the year, probably around October or November, which is ages ago!!

Cheese !
Keep on rockin'
As well as Mexico I am just back from the Rewind 80 Festival in Henley which again was fantastic, it was a little quieter this year, as it was just me a Sean, our friends had to pull out a the last minute, but have promised to be back next year.  The weather was fantastic, which was a shock considering what the weathermen were saying in the run up to the festival; we had 3 days of wall to wall sunshine.  Every year this little festival gets busier and busier, we arrived a lot earlier than anticipated and there quite a few in front of us, however by the time we got in there was a load more behind us.  As far as festivals go for us this was a quiet one, early to bed but very early to rise, still didn't take my trainers (3 days off running!).  All in all we had a good time and yes we will be back next year! 

You would think that I have not had much time for running but you would be wrong, since coming back I have been in three races Meerbrook 15k which was pure evil!! Staffs Knot 5 and  Dave Clarke 5k which was not so bad, didn't break any personal bests or any major records. I have got my mileage back up to around 40 miles a week which was my plan when I got back from holiday.  I would like to try and keep it up there and maybe a little higher I am not sure why but it would just seem a shame to drop the mileage again, after working so hard to get there.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Potters Arf 2012

This is our local half marathon and it is a toughie! the headlines speak for themselves, in race speak it is known as undulating! ha, if you have never run it is it undulating, if you have run it you will know that it is bloody hilly!!
I ran this for the 1st time last year; when it was unseasonably cold and wet (in previous years it had recorded record temperatures and was always known as a sunny race ), it was tough and despite the cold and rain there were still a number of spectators out on the course, but numbers where understandably down.It was only my 4th half marathon and I had never run the course, it was all new!
This year was significantly different, since I had re-invigorated my running and started more regularly I had run parts and the full course on a number of occasions. I ran it with Phil 6 Towns Runner as part of his 12 half marathons in 12 days, on my own as a training run, and the Tuesday before the Sunday with Sharon and Laura, in an attempt to get the last long run in before the race. The only expectation I had of myself was to beat last year’s time, as I knew there was no way I could beat my Half Marathon PB from Edinburgh but I would have been happy with a course best.
The weather had promised to be dry, not sunny, no warm, but dry is the best we can hope for in the UK anything else is a bonus, the weather in the days prior where horrible, pure evil .  However the morning of the race and the sky was looking rather favourable, a few fluffy white clouds, but that was about it and there was even a hint of blue!!  the running gods were looking down and smiling on us! 
The race itself was great, tough in places and easy in others, I knew the course and knew what was coming. However because of the nice weather the crowds where really out in force! Every step of the route there where people out cheering us on, giving out jelly babies, ice pops, water, juice and even hosing down the runners (after all the rain we had no one can say there wasn’t some to give away to hot runners).  I do hope that the spectators realise that it is there support on the route that really spurs the runners on, it gives us the motivation to carry on when we think we are about to give up and help push us that extra mile or two!
Potters Arf’, has a notorious hill at 11:50 miles in, they re-name the road “Heartbreak Hill”   I have heard that some cars struggle to get up there!  however the crowds along the way and right at the top give you such a cheer you think that you were winning the race!
So did I achieve my aim, yes I beat last years time and came in at 1:54:24, which is a big improvement on last year and I got a Bronze medal for my efforts. 
Kirsten Potters arf 2012

Jazz hands

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Westbrigde 5

This race has a little bit of history and I think I mentioned it in last years post, it is one of my 1st real races and one I originally thought was only a 5k . 
How things have changed, this is a nice little run, in and around Stone and Aston in Staffordshire.  It is shaped a little like and lolly pop, long out along the canal and around Aston and then back along the canal.  I am not sure if it is shaped like a lolly but that is how I think about it.  Due to the nature of the run, there is no room for spectators other than the boats along the canal and those speeding along the A34, so it is really feels like a race.  
I didn’t really have any aims other than do my best, I think I was still on a high from getting a PB at Edinburgh the week before and I had done my first DOUBLE, “DO THE DOUBLE”.  I had ran into work and then ran home, a total of 14 miles, should I get in to the Marathon I feel this is the best way to get my mileage in and save on my fuel bill!
The day itself was rather dull and over cast , fortunately it stayed dry but it was very cold , as the run is along the canal there are very few over taking spots so you have to try and position yourself well at the start.  I felt really comfortable during the race and I was clocking sub 8 minute miles, which I was very impressed with.  There was lady in front of me, who I was determined to keep up with because I thought she was a fellow group “W” and I thought I need to make sure I get those points, however around mile 4 I noticed she was an “M” the next group up! then I just thought knuckle down and hang on in there.  Which I did and managed to knock 2 minutes of my Olympic Park time  at real thumbs up moment!
45907_BHM12_FEB_005341_download_Download Time Photo_3027

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Edinburgh Half

This Personal Best is a little bit of a cheat as the race starts at the top of the hill, you run down it and then is flat flat flat until you reach the end, check it out …-half_route_elevationv2.gifThe only worry was going was the sun, because if you have been in a cave or outside of the UK for the last couple of weeks, you may not have known that the weather last weekend was FAB , wall to wall sunshine. Personally I love the sun and love running in the sun, it was great way to get your fill of vitamin D and to make sure you don’t spend you life either in the office or in the house.  
We flew up to Edinburgh on the Saturday, with the price of diesel and the time it takes to drive up to Edinburgh finding flights for just over £100 was a bargain really .  The weather was lovely on the Saturday, HOT HOT HOT (wall to wall sunshine).  Unfortunately I packed the wrong type of shoes for the trip, other than my trainers I had new shoes (bad idea) and flip flops (worse idea), after walking for an hour in both I had to put on my trainers to make sure I had no blisters .  The other challenge was staying out of the pubs , it was so tempting to sit outside a pub with a little drinky or two and soak up the sun.
The great thing   about the half marathon the race starts at 8am, however the bad thing   about the half marathon is that it starts at 8am.  There was ups and down,   it was still quite cool and over cast,  you had to be up for breakfast at 6am and out for 6:15 to get to the start.  However we managed to do both in plenty of time and before we knew it, weat the endwhere at our respective starts; me in green and Sean in purple.
The run itself was lovely, not much support because of the early start but it was everything it says on the tim, flat and down hill. I had reassessed my goals the day before; I was just going to go out and enjoy the race, I didn’t want to set myself goal and then push it too hard in the sun.  However I was feeling really good and my splits where great! I averaging 8:11 minute miles and even snook in a cheeky sub 8mins, then when I reach the 10 mile make I noted that I could get a sub 1:50 and thought well why not give it a whirl.  Well it all paid off, I didn’t throw the hammer down, but I kept my pace up and finished in 1:48:03 a full 2mins of my previous time!
As I said earlier I really like the race and so did Sean, we hadn’t even got back to hotel and Sean said he would like to run it again!! so it looks like we will be back next year, I just wonder we will like it as much in the rain ??

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Races and personal bests galore!

It has not been long since my post but I have completed another 3 races, Market Drayton 10k, Clayton 10k and my 9th Park Run!  All of these things have happened in the last 7 days, it has been a busy old week really!

Market Drayton 10k Sunday 13th May

This is the 3rd time I have done this race and it  really is a little gem of a race; well organised, nice course, lovely marshals,IMG_1181well attended and a fantastic overflowing goodie bag!! The morning was lovely, sunny with nice fluffy white clouds the slight down side was that it was a little windy which meant went the sun went behind the clouds it went a little chilly but all in all good running weather.
I do like this race and I nearly didn’t enter this year as I was focusing on the NSRRA league however Sean had said he want to run it so rather than wait around for him to finish I thought I would enter too .  I didn’t want to push too hard as I had got Clayton (NSRRA) race and I needed the points……but as all runners know secretly I thought it would be nice to get a sub 50!! And I did, I finished in 51:05 which was a PB  but not sub 50 maybe on Wednesday at Clayton!

Clayton 10k Wednesday 16th May

Considering I work in Newcastle I have never entered this race, but as I am now in the NSRRA league I have to get myself along to as many races as possible to ensure I get the points. However this lap1being local and a 10k I thought it was be a good one to take part in.  Got to the race on time and managed to relax. Saw loads of Potters Trotters, twitter, Facebook and parkrun friends and caught up on what everyone was hoping to achieve and wished everyone a good race. It was a two lap course, and I am not a fan of laps, I think it is something about passing the finishing line that bothers me but I only have to do it once so it shouldn’t be too bad.  I started out ok but there where a couple of bottlenecks and we had to walk but they didn’tlap2 last long and then before we knew it the field spread out in to a more manageable chunks so no more bottle necks.  The course is rather deceptive the hills were quite long and drawn out, you so didn’t notice them until they started to burn.  I didn’t see my nemesis until the start of the second lap , I felt good but not sure if I could catch up to her. The gap began to close, I was still going at my pace but I could see that I was gaining on her, BUT did I have enough to take her down…..unfortunately not, those dam hills on the second lap seem to get steeper and I just didn’t have enough, she came in 27secs ahead of me .  However I on a positive note I did beat my personal best from Sunday by 6 seconds ,  it doesn’t sound much but as everyone says it was a tough course and a PB is a PB. The other great result of the day was Laura Thompson won and she was so please, Laura is seriously on speedy lady! 

9th Parkrun Saturday 19th May

It has been a while since I have been to Parkrun and following on from Wednesday’s race I decided that I wanted to work on my speed work, both by using Parkrun as a time trail and potentially joining a cheap gym for on some additional cross training.  The other reason was that I had set a 2012 challenge to improve my 5k time to a sub 25 and coupled with fellow Potter Trotter Liz Tideswell recently achieving a PB of 24:56 I needed to pull my finger out!! .   I started out a little too quick and had an equipment fail which I needed to sort out on route, but the “Hanley hills” kick my ass again! But I did achieve a Parkrun PB of 25:12  which is a full 27seconds faster than my last Parkrun PB which is awesome!! 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

South Cheshire 20 – Personal Best 3:00:26

Short report for this on I am afraid as it has taken to me too long again to update my blog!

The weather was awful actually it was bloody awful, it was a week after the London Marathon, which again had a lovely running weather and then for the following week it did nothing but rain . In a way it meant that all my training in preparation had been in the cold and wet so I was use to it.  But on the morning of the run it seem to be windier and colder than it had been in ages!
I decided that I was going to dress for the occasion, long tights, long sleeve top, Potters Trotters top and jacket  and I was lovely and toasty in the car on the way up there. Saw Sharon as I turned into the sports centre and she was wearing 3/4 and a short sleeve top, all I could think was “boy she was MAD” and then I saw that Laura Thompson from Trentham was wearing a crop top and shorts eeek!!!
The field was very small only 95 ish runners, I ran with Sharon for a little while but by mile 3 she was heading off into the distance.   I could see her in the distance for the 1st 8 ish miles and then theend route got twisty and turning and I lost her until the finish.  For a large amount of the race I was running on my own with NO MP3!! at 1st I thought that I would really struggle, as I normally run with Music or an audio book, however I found that it was fine and didn’t get bored!  
All I wanted to achieve was a better result than Stafford, which was a disaster! I just wanted to put it behind me and move one, for the last mile I was at 2:52 and thought if I knuckled down I would make sub 3:00  . However after spending the last 2:52 minutes been battered by wind and rain, I didn’t;t have it in me, especially when they evil  race organisers had a twist in the tail….the finish was passed the sports centre sand then across the field .  I finished in 3:00:26 so although it wasn’t sub 3 hours it was still miles and minutes better than Stafford.
Don’t tell anyone, but I was actually enjoying the race, I am sure that I would be enjoyed it more if the weather was slightly better, but it gave me a much needed confidence boost and to top it off I WON a 1st in my age category which was a real shock and a very nice surprise.
The other nice surprise was that I got 50 points for the race, YIPPEE

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Newcastle 7

I was looking forward to this race, I remember it well from last year, Sharon Willis had persuaded me enter and helped me get my running mojo back and set me back on track to complete my 100 race miles.  I was looking forward to coming back and hoping to beat my time from last year, also I needed to get some much needed points in the NSRRA league. 

As with last year the weather was good, the was a slight breeze but the sun was out and the skies where blue, this was my first proper run after my fall the other week.  I took a nose dive just outside the same hotel I broke my arm in 3 years ago, I took some time off running, kept icing my needs and praying that I hadn’t done any major damage . Fortunately after a few test runs although my knees still feel a little sore but I can run so that it ok! Although needless to say I am giving the hotel a very wide berth form now on! 
One of the shockers was that it was a no MP3 event, it was going to be difficult to hide my bright red headphone wire and I was worried that I may get disqualified if I wore it and I wanted those points! So we headed off down the familiar route everything was ok and then we hit black bank, it is about a 2 to 3 mile climb to the top and quite though going, all I could think was don’t stop, don’t stop , dig in you will be at the top soon! 
IMG_0495One thing that I did notice was a person running behind me, it was a familiar sound, the same footfall, the same squish ofIMG_0809shorts and the breathing, someone was matching my pace, if I sped up they sped up, if I slowed down they slowed down.  I wasn’t sure but I thought it was my NSRRA fellow groupW nemesis, the girl who beat me at Stafford .  I wasn’t sure what to do,  I did think about stopping and making her go in front of me, but I decided to carry on and thought that I would speed up on the downhill and see if I could shake her.  I did pull off a couple of sub 8 minute miles which for me was quick and I was hoping to tire her out and was praying that she didn’t know about the small bank at the end.  Unfortunately she got me again  last few yards she had the energy and over took me.  We hugged and congratulated each other on the race and I had smashed my Personal Best !

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Olympic Park Run

What an awesome day, when I first saw the ballot for the 5 mile Olympic Park run I thought why not I didn’t expect to get in, having failed to win the ballots for both the Great North Run 2011 and the Virgin London Marathon 2012, I wasn’t hoping out much hope and then blow me down I got in!

Sean was a little upset as I had entered us both into the ballot and only I go in, oh well he can’t win them all and I was going to get a guest pass so at least he would be able to come with me . The ballot was last year and it seem to take an age to get actually come around and then finally it was here, we had unfortunately double booked the day; as well as being in London for the run we had a concert in Birmingham in the evening doh’ but no worried Sean organised the day so well that we were able to do everything and I even managed to get a shower!! 
It was a very early start we left the house at 8am and caught the train down to the BIG smoke, unfortunately the weather was against us grey, overcast and windy but I was hoping that as we were heading down south that it would be warmer, WRONG! Fortunately on the way to the Olympic Park we had to go through the largest shopping centre in London and happing to wander straight passed the NIKE shop  So I headed in and picked up a nice warm long sleeve top.
inside Olympic park There was a bit of queue to get into the Olympic Park, but I was so excited that for once I didn’t mind queuing, everyone else was looking excited and couldn’t wait to get in, WE were going to be some of the first members of the general public to actually get to see the park and for FREE.  Literally just in the door and I  couldn’t resist standing by the sign and having my photo taken

in the stadiumWe got there there nice and early which means we got a good seat   it is a little like the Port Vale ground, in the way that there are still some seats missing, although this is where the similarities end!
The ground soon started to fill up and there were a lot of excited people in the ground, who couldn’t what to get started.  I was glad that I stoppedd l and brought the long sleeve top it was a little windy in the ground and the nervous tension was making me rather chilly.
There was the announcement  and the runners were asked to head towards their pens, I was in the pink wave which was the 2nd group to go, so there shouldn’t be too long to wait. In the pen there was a sea of red shirts and a really friendly atmosphere we chatted and all joined in the warm up, although it was pretty cramped so the reaching and stretching was providing a little dangerous for some. The 1st was was started by Princess B and then we were told that she would also be running the race and would be joining the pink wave which was now renamed the ROYAL WAVE, me in the presence of royalty!
Then the gun went and we were off, our spectators had to wait inside the ground, so there where fewOLYZ1107-cp20x30spectators around the route, however there were a few bands and the workman took an improtu break to support and cheer us along. Well I did manage to over take royalty and there was this poor chatty who was running it on crutches although thinking about it, you would wouldn’t you, there is no way you can defer a once in a life time opportunity.
I had been warned by an insider that just when you think you are running back in to the stadium you won’t be, you have to run under the stadium for a while and then you pop out around 300 meters to go; so when we started towards the stadium I knew to hold back.

Before we knew it we entered the stadium and we were on THE TRACK you could hear the noise of the crowds and looking around it was an amazing feeling.  I threw my hands up and pretended that I was actually in the OlympicsOlympicsand people were hear to see me!!
OLYB0117-cp20x30                OLYN1660-cert20x30.tmpl                  at the finish with medal
All in all I loved it and something very special that only me and 4,999 other people have experienced! 

Friday, March 30, 2012

Liverpool Half Marathon

After my experience at the Stafford 20 I was a little apprehensive and worried that I would struggle through the race    , it does seem a little daft considering am quite experienced at running this distance, but Stafford 20 taught me never to under-estimate a race, make sure you prepare correctly!! 

So in the run up to Liverpool I was drinking plenty of water at work, on the Saturday I may have gone over board, but better safe than sorry!  We were car hunting on the Saturday so at virtually every garage we stopped at I was familiarising myself with the facilities . Finishing the day off with a good healthy tea with protein and complex carbs (well my take on complex carbs, Steak, Mushrooms, Cheese and Chips!)
Sunday did not start well it was cold, grey and pouring down in Stoke , so I got straight on to twitter to asked people what the weather was like in Liverpool and made sure I had a top for every eventuality. Although  I needn’t  have worried my twitter friends had posted pictures and there where blue skies over the pool!  Unfortunately it took a little longer than expected to get to Liverpool and with stopping for a pre race pit stop I was a little late to the start  I couldn’t get in a pen and I didn’t catch up with my running buddy Sharon .  I had to filter in to the side of the pen and it was quite sometime before I crossed the start line and then I was off.  As I said I was a little worried about how I would fair on the race, but I had agreed with myself that I would just go out and run, not worry about a PB just see how I feel.  The weather was now on my side, blue skies and sunny, with a slight breeze , although it is billed as a flat race there were  couple of hills but nothing I couldn’t cope with.  
All in all it was a nice race , I can’t say it was easy  and there where points I wanted to stop, but I carried on, liverpool medal t-shirteven with…. butt ache … around 3 miles in I started to get a pain in my right butt cheek but I carried on. I made sure that I took on water at every station and even managed to get a couple of my jelly babies, although a lot did end up on the floor.  There is  a lovely stretch along the sea front which was lovely, flat with a nice sea breeze and then before I knew it we were rounding the corner and the finish was in sight, I wasn’t sure if had a BP or not; I was just happy that I hadn’t stopped and I was enjoying it in some small way.
The T-shirt and medal where lovely