Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Busy busy busy

Gosh it has been a while since I have blogged anything, there are couple of reasons for this and is mainly lack of time, but on a positive note I have out running, so not everything has stopped

This September I signed up to a part time HNC course in Sport and Fitness, which is great fun. I’m loving learning all this new stuff about anatomy and physiology and sport psychology but it’s a struggle to fit it in with working full time, training 4 days a week, fundraising for MacMillan Cancer Support and being a full time girlfriend.  It definitely feels like a 3 Weetabix day but at the moment the plates are still spinning, they are getting a little wobbly at times but they are still up there!

I have kicked off my fundraising set up my fundraising page started talking about it on Facebook and Twitter and so far I am up to 9% of my total which is good, I have more ideas for fundraising and I just need to kick these off, but I think that there is a fine line between how often you can talk about fundriasing, else you run the risk to annoying people, but hope to get the balance right, but if you want to make a small donation just click on the just giving sponsor me button on the right hand side :o) ---------->

I have just finished my last major run of the year, the Great Birmingham Half Marathon; it was great fun but tinged with sadness as a runner died just after he finished the race. He was a young, only 36, years old, I am not sure what the cause of death was and my thoughts and sympathy go out to his family, he ran his last race.  

There are a number of local races, either 10k or 10 miles, I could enter before the year ends; but I have not signed up to anything which does feel a little strange, perhaps it is because I have my studies to occupy my mind and races due consume a lot of the weekend which is valuable study and assignment time. 

Perhaps is also that my mind is already thinking about my first ever marathon London in April 13 and thinking about how to train.  I am struggling to find a suitable training plan; I am currently running 4 times a week, my long run is normally in excess of 13-14 miles and putting in 35-40 miles a week, the plans I have found so far seem to be going back to the beginning and really lowering my mileage, which is something I don’t want to do.  I am going to have to do a bit more research and see what I can find.

Let the search begin...

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