Short report for this on I am afraid as it has taken to me too long again to update my blog!
The weather was awful actually it was bloody awful, it was a week after the London Marathon, which again had a lovely running weather and then for the following week it did nothing but rain . In a way it meant that all my training in preparation had been in the cold and wet so I was use to it. But on the morning of the run it seem to be windier and colder than it had been in ages!
I decided that I was going to dress for the occasion, long tights, long sleeve top, Potters Trotters top and jacket and I was lovely and toasty in the car on the way up there. Saw Sharon as I turned into the sports centre and she was wearing 3/4 and a short sleeve top, all I could think was “boy she was MAD” and then I saw that Laura Thompson from Trentham was wearing a crop top and shorts eeek!!!
The field was very small only 95 ish runners, I ran with Sharon for a little while but by mile 3 she was heading off into the distance. I could see her in the distance for the 1st 8 ish miles and then the route got twisty and turning and I lost her until the finish. For a large amount of the race I was running on my own with NO MP3!! at 1st I thought that I would really struggle, as I normally run with Music or an audio book, however I found that it was fine and didn’t get bored!
All I wanted to achieve was a better result than Stafford, which was a disaster! I just wanted to put it behind me and move one, for the last mile I was at 2:52 and thought if I knuckled down I would make sub 3:00 . However after spending the last 2:52 minutes been battered by wind and rain, I didn’t;t have it in me, especially when they evil race organisers had a twist in the tail….the finish was passed the sports centre sand then across the field . I finished in 3:00:26 so although it wasn’t sub 3 hours it was still miles and minutes better than Stafford.
Don’t tell anyone, but I was actually enjoying the race, I am sure that I would be enjoyed it more if the weather was slightly better, but it gave me a much needed confidence boost and to top it off I WON a 1st in my age category which was a real shock and a very nice surprise.
The other nice surprise was that I got 50 points for the race, YIPPEE
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