Saturday, December 31, 2016

Reflecting on 2016, regenerate and refocus for 2017

You will be able to tell from my last post that I have been in a reflective mood for a while.  I suppose when you are at the back of the training run you have plenty of time to contemplate your navel!  

It has been a funny year and it is easy to think about all the things I didn't half marathon, 5k or 10k PB, not running below 25 minutes for parkrun or even losing that sneaky and stubborn 10lbs that has made friends with my thighs, bum and belly :(

Reflecting on the year I would say this year is has been all about tri-ing new things....

Re-teaching myself how to swim, which includes putting my head in the water and actually breathing while swimming.  In the past my swimming has been about getting from my sun lounger to the pool bar, but no this year I have clocked up 16,131 yds in the pool!!

Reviving my bike skills, I've got back on my bike which has been great. I always use to cycle when I was growing up, nothing spectacular but it was our mode of transport; going round to a friends house, going to shop, to school, doing my paper round and even playing foxes and hounds.  But then you learn how to drive and your bike gathers dust. So this year I finally got out on the bike again, clocked over 319 miles on the bike which is not much but not bad for 6 months.  I also took part in my first cycle sportive in October with Jen and Kerry (thanks for telling me about my hair!!)

Rewarding all of my swimming and biking training by taking part in my very 1st triathlon in August. In which I didn't drown, didn't fall off my bike and didn't fall over! I have loved watching triathlon for a couple of years now, with Chrissie Wellington, Jodie Stimpson and of course the Brownlees being my heroes.  I had always thought it too far out my grasp with my swimming being one step away from organised drowning. However, a chance conversation with a running club team mate convinced me to give it a go and the rest as the say is history.  

Renewed: I have been lucky enough to go on a plane 4 times this year: 
Prague in January was very cold, but very cool to celebrate the wedding of a good friend.  
Dublin in August as part of Trenthan on Tour this time to Dublin for the weekend to race in the Rock n Roll 5k and half marathon, 
Ibizia  in September for some R&R not Rock n Roll but this time  Rest n Relaxation
Las Vegas in November another Trentham on Tour for the Rock n Roll Las Vegas half and this trip also concluded in a wedding (not mine don't panic!!) 

Running stats: 42 races or parkruns = 1 marathon, 1 10 miler, 1 5k, 2 xc, 3 10k, 7 half marathon, 27 parkruns

So when the curtain finally is called on 2016, I can say it has been fun with some ups and some downs, some challenges and is to 2017 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Saddo stato

Not really much of a post, but as sleep was eluding me and my mind was filled with all sort of trivia such as .... when was the last time I ran under 25 mins at parkrun? 

I have made no bones about the fact that I have fallen out of love with running a little and it is difficult to pin point when things started to go sour; was it during my last proper marathon training cycle, which was for London Marathon 2015?  I thought a bit of stat analysis would is what I have found out and I am not sure that it holds the answers.

My parkrun PB was in October 2013, which is 23:25 
I last ran under 25 mins in May 2014 at Hanley
Here are my stats for Hanley parkrun

As for the other stats from my garmin, well that tells me that my pace has slowed down as have the number of miles run and I suppose your can't have pace if you are not putting in the mileage. 

My race calendar for next year is looking very bare, with only 4 races scheduled and one of those is a triathlon. There is the intention to do more races, but there will be more diversity in races and hopefully an injection of pace! 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Walking wounded

September was not my best month!  It started off well with a lovely relaxing week in Ibiza which was my first week off since forever…well last year really.  Then I came back ready to get focused carry on with the swimming, cycling and getting down to some serious training before my key race Robin Hood half marathon.

And that is where things started to go downhill; since forever I have been thinking, talking about cycling to my parents' house. I have run it many times and the last time, I ran along the cycle route and I was excited about trying it out.

The short version of this story is that I had a collision with a Bee; which made me I fall off my bike, had to be rescued by my knight in shining armour, get patched up by the angles at the Walk in Centre and then be ridiculed by my friends and family alike (once of course, they knew I wasn't too badly injured). I really can’t wait for the ambulance chasers call me up with "had an accident that wasn’t your fault" :)

So due to my injures this meant I wasn't able to go swimming, because of the nasty open wound on my elbow, and it was a perfect excuse not to do any speed work… I fell of my bike you know

My next calamity happened because I just wasn't thinking; as I mentioned earlier my key race this, but it had been demoted to get around and survive.  The main reason for this was that I simply hadn’t put in the key running sessions what with, training for the triathlon, the falling off my bike and always taking the easy option on club night. 

So race day came and although I felt  undertrained, I was well prepared in terms of kit…no missing running bra or running trainers this time - that was a relief. Little did I know at the time I had already made my biggest mistake of the day, simply by putting my bra on!

Now your running bras, ladies, are like your trainers after around 300-400  miles they start to lose their elasticity and you need to replace them and this was the reason that I had chosen  today of all the days to were a new running bra, this was not only new new but really new as in a new model I had never worn before…..YES I KNOW I committed the mortal sin of wearing something new on race day. 

For the first couple of miles all was good….however after mile 3 I was in serious trouble, by mile 8 was agony and despite asking every one of the St Johns ambulance  crews on route no one had any Vaseline to spare :( 

Although I was very uncomfortable to say the very least, there was a reminder that there will be other people who might be having a worse day; case and point was right in front of me a lady who err umm how does one say this…was having a worse day than me and the evidence was running down the back of her legs.  I have to say this did spur me on a little if not in the least to get away as no one wants to be caught on camera with that in either the fore or back ground.

My last few miles were very uncomfortable and I admit the thought of taking my bra off did cross my mind, but the damage had been done and the best thing I could do would be to get to the finish ASAP, take the dam thing off. But if you have ever suffered with third degree chafedge you know that taking the offending article of clothing off is not the end of the story, there is the horror of the shower and putting clothes back on! Needless to say the following weeks after Nottingham were very uncomfortable and not very supportive ;)

What followed for the rest of September was a terrible sore throat, followed a week later by a stinking head cold. So I can honestly say that it September has been pretty shitty really, in terms of my health!

I am approaching October optimistically :) watch this space

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Unplugged...the key to enlightenment

For the last few years I have been playing with the idea of unplugging from recording and measuring all my fitness activities (running, cycling, swimming, walking).  Ever since I took up running I have recorded every element of my run and dutifully added it to my spreadsheet, before the advent of Garmin Connect or Strava. It was great watching my mileage grow each week/month and watching my average pace per mile decrease over time.  I watched myself go from a regular 10:30 min mile pace down to 7:50 ish with glowing pride and sense of achievement….

However, what I once enjoyed soon turned sour, and that little screen on my watch dictated how I felt about my run, likewise not achieving a certain distance each week (30 miles) made me feel lazy, unfit and a little down.  Which is ridiculous when you think about it, a given pace or mileage should not determine about how you feel about a run, that should come from within rather than from a little device on your wrist.

This is the reason that I unplugged! Now, many of my running buddies are real statos (you know who you are) and they love to know the distance, the pace per mile, splits, HRM, oscillation, VO2 max, which moons were in alignment during their run and they were shocked by my little experiment, and was convinced that my head to explode the first time I went out without my Garmin (they weren't alone in thinking that). ***

But I am happy to report that my head stayed on my shoulders and didn't explode! I've been unplugged since the 1st September and run or cycled 11 times which includes a race.  I would have been on the biked and swam more however, there is story they which I will share next blog.

SO the BIG question is; do I feel more enlightened now I have undertaken this little experiment? To be honest I don’t really feel any different…. I think I need to acknowledge a few things a move on

  1. I like data
  2. I like recording information
  3. I need to stop setting targets
  4. I need to set targets based on my current level of fitness ( I didn’t really mean point 3)
  5. I should stop comparing myself to a time in the past when I was always getting PBs, summers were sunnier, I was 1 stone lighter and it always snowed a Christmas
  6. I should enjoy whatever exercise I do, because it normally means I'm with friends, I am prolonging my life (barring any major accidents see the next blog)
  7. I have been coveting my next triathlon GPS device for the last 27 days
  8. If I forget my watch it won’t be the end of the world, my run/ride/swim will still count even if it isn’t on Strava
I am really sorry if you came to this blog expecting from profound message about how running without devices has set me free and how everyone should do it….it took an unexpected turn for me as well!!

*** other than Olly Clarke he said I could make it!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Face your fears

I did it, my very first triathlon and I'm super pleased that I didn’t drown - seriously that was my biggest fear!! (you might want to grab a coffee)

So as I posted the day before my race that I had finally taken the plunge and signed up to my first Tri in Oxford.

We travelled down to Oxford on the Saturday (missing another parkrun!!) in my parents campervan; they have been suggesting to us  to borrow it for ages, so this was the ideal opportunity, the only problem was how to get the bikes down with us. Fortunately they fitted in the back of the van with a little persuasion, all packed up mum and dad waved us off just us, the road and every bit of kit you can imagine! 

We were soon in Oxford and setting up camp for the weekend and fortunately the campsite said we could leave a little later, on the Monday,  than normal 12:00 which meant we could cycle down to the race and back rather than having to pack up the van….something I was not relishing doing at 6:30 on race day.

On Sunday we headed off to explore Oxford, I think we were both a little too preoccupied to really  enjoy the city, but we did explore the local sports shops for any extra bits of kit we may need….cue new swimming goggles, a new tri suit (for sean), couple new t-shirts for me and a couple of rucksacks! 

We grabbed a late lunch and the headed back to the camp in order to pack up our gear and prepare for the next day.  I had a mixture of feelings: anticipation, intrepidation and apprehension and then it hit me…do I where underwear under my tri suit? I knew I was supposed to wear my sports bra but no on every mentioned undies :o fortunately I had a friend on hand to asked to told me NO no underwear was needed, phew one less thing to worry about.

So we turned out the lights early and went to sleep; fortunately I had no triathlon disaster dreams and before we knew it the alarm was going off and it was 5:30 race morning!!  A quick coffee, breakfast bars and fight with my tri suite later and we were heading off to the race start in Radley.  Our cycle ride was slightly lengthened by a wrong turn but no mind we would count it as our warm up.   We had been blessed we a very good day in terms of weather, it was dry, cloudy (the white ones)  with no wind.

As Radley college came in to view we saw the familiar tell-tail signed that there was a race going on and we saw people walking with their bikes in the college, we were in the right place.  Quick and efficient registration and time to rack up our bikes and sort out our transition area.  This means sticking labels to your hat and bike, sorting out the order you are going to need/put your things on and trying not to look too nervous. Race
briefing was at 7:40 and it was clear that there were a number of first timers in our briefing we made me feel a little more at home and fortunately there was no Brownlee in site!

After a comprehensive briefing (no running poolside, I was going to ask about bombing and cuddling, but Sean suggested against it) we got into the pool and were called through in our waves, another quick briefing and it was time to get in to the water…. and your off. Lap 1 and I was struggling with my breathing but I made it to the other end only 15 more to go.  I took them steady and got into a rhythm although I did struggle with my breathing most of the way, but I was determined not to panic and to keep calm and before you know it I was at lap 12 and only 4 more to go, 2 more ,1 more and… was that 1 more or 2 more, counting my laps was my biggest problem. Once I was confident that I had done all my laps I got out, looked across at Sean and headed out to my bike. 

Outside it was still dry and there was lots of people clapping and cheering you as you made your way in to T1, I was reminded that it was hat before anything; so put my hat on, socks, shoes, number and shades and I was off out of transition for the bike ride. I hadn't really studied the map, mainly because it was be all Greek to me and what was I going to do with the information?!?!? I headed out on the bike and I slowly started to dry out, it was still quite cloudy so to begin with so it was a little chilly but after a couple of good inclines I was soon warmed up. I really enjoyed the bike although I don’t think I was taking it to seriously as I was too busy looking around at the big posh houses…well their posh gates anyway. I must admit being a little higher up does help to see over the hedges.

I haven’t said but I decided to race naked! Well nearly I wasn't wearing my Garmin, mainly because I  couldn’t use it for the swim, I have to use two different ones for the bike and the run and I just really wanted to just finish so time wasn't important.  What this did mean in reality was that I wasn’t sure how far I had ridden or how far I had to go ( I didn't realise that Triathlons do not have mileage markers, well this one didn’t) but that wasn't too much of a problem as the course was marked and it was as long as it was meant to be…. well it was a little longer for me as I too a slight detour, but fortunately the marshal had a loud voice. 

Following a lovely down bank and I was heading back towards Radley College ready for my run leg; off the bike and walk up to transition, quickly racked my bike, took my helmet off and I was back out again this time on foot for a two loop around the campus.  We set off along the path beside the road the bike follows so there was plenty to see, next we turned up on to the trail towards the fields at the back of the college, around the rugby pitches and back towards the road for lap one, my breathing on this lap was a little laboured and I was struggling to get it evened out, but as I headed out on my next lap  everything settled down and I was getting in to my stride. Or I was pleased that it was nearly all over, I saw the marshals at the turn around point and knew it was a less than a mile to go, so  I dug deep and keep moving forward knowing that the finish was not far now.  As I rounded a slight corner I could hear people cheering and clapping urging me to the finish line and then I could see it.  I surged forward and cross the line triumphant that I was now a triathlete!

They put the medal around my neck, goody bag in hand and lastly my splits.  Everyone was so nice and lovely, really supportive. I racked my bike had a drink and changed into some dry clothes and let it sink in. I didn't DROWN!!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Whats the worse that can happen

I have finally bitten the bullet and entered my 1st triathlon and t is taking place in tomorrow!!  I have been meaning to post something about this ages ago but never got around to it!! (to busy training)

Here at the details it is the sprint distance, which means 400m pool swim, 22.3km bike ride and finally a 5k run.  I have been saying for years that I would like to do one, but the swim has always put me off, but during a chance conversation with a fellow runner  I found out that it is was only 16 lengths of a 25m pool and that got me thinking perhaps I could do that after all.  Sean has always said he wanted to do one so there was nothing stopping us.

FIRE UP google and set the search for pool sprint triathlon, following a number of false starts as dates clashed with all my other running commitments we settled on Oxford Triathlon August bank holiday this also meant
we could finally take my parents campervan out for a spin :)  set the search to campsites in Oxford and we were all set.

The only thing I needed to do now was get in the pool and get swimming, now I can swim but I have cheated in nearly every badge I have ever taken….even my red……you know the one swim a length of the baby pool! My holiday swimming consists of getting into the pool and waddling over to the pool bar and then back to my sun lounger so again not really what you could call swimming!

So I got myself a swimming costume, a pair of goggle and I was all set to hit the pool! My first couple of attempts were quite dis-hearting: head out of the water, stopping every time I got splashed or overwhelmed! Now I am not frightened by water, I can wash my hair just fine, I have even been on a test scuba dive…. My problem is that I get all the breathing wrong; either holding my breath or breathing in nether of which advisable.  But I kept going and slowly I managed to put my face in the water for breaststroke and
rhythmically breathing out as my face went under the water. Next step front crawl; again this started out with face out of the water and the odd mile panic when I got splashed but again swim by swim I was getting more and more confident with my face in the water and side breathing….SUCCESS

So tomorrow will the test, I am confident about the bike and the run, let hope I don’t forget everything I have learned in the last few weeks…. Check back later in the week to see if I sink or swim…literally 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Running podcasts

If you have ever had the misfortune to talk to me for any length of time about running, or indeed anything, you may have heard me say "well on this podcast I was listening to they said...." 

So I thought it was about time that I shared my full running podcast library with you all, I use beyond pod to listen to them but I believe all of them can be found on I-tunes.   All are free to download and some have subscriber only content, most post a podcast on a weekly basis and these are a mix between English and USA. I have added a hyperlink to the actual website for the podcast too, if you want to find out more, just click on the name of the podcast (not the logo)

Enjoy and if you like what you hear, pay it forward by leaving them a rating on itunes.

Training Academy

Run Run Live

Runners World

Embrace running 

running stories

connect run club

 I have shamelessly borrowed their logos' I hope I don't get in to too much trouble, but if any of the podcasters, see this and want me to remove them just drop me an email.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Nailed it or failed it!

Today I had promised myself last night I would get up extra early and run a longish (10miles) before work….it didn’t happen

I convinced myself to go after work when I got home….that also didn’t happen!!

So I am sitting here thinking about how I have failed in my task today about going out for a run…

Then I realise that the things I have achieved are:
  • Extra hours sleep
  • Full day in the office
  • Got my nails done
  • Did some shopping, as we are going away at the weekend so there would no time to do it then
  • Change the bed linen (gotta love nice new, clean sheets)
  • Put a wash one, so I can get it dried ready for ironing tomorrow
  • Caught up on my administration stuff
  • And write a blog post (two in a week I am on a roll)

So although I didn’t achieve my original objective, I have still had a pretty productive day…. although Garmin and Strava won't agree….perhaps thats what I need to do create an app where we can share how many things we ticked off our to do lists, with likeminded people.
I 'll put it on my to do list for tomorrow, alongside my early morning and club run :o)

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Much ado about nothing

Well I haven't blogged in a while mainly because there has nothing really to report!  But on reflection in 4 months I have run 6 races, entered 2 more half marathons,1 10miler around Donnington Park 1 5k in Dublin (running for bling!)

Maddog 10k, the 1st race of the year.  It is a great race early in February so the weather can be rough! And this year was no exception; basically we ran in to a head wind for the 1st 2.75 miles then you turned and run back with the wind behind you for the last 2 miles.  You can see from my mile splits the effect the wind had (8:30, 8:37, 9:14, 8:23, 7:51, 7:18)

Angelesey Half, my first race of many races which are going to take me outside of England (I know that this is a bit of a stretch, but we call it artistic license :) ) I had no plan going in to this race other than enjoy it.  I was that laid back about the race as I was still in the line for the Loo as the gun went off!  I took my time and jumped on to the back of the field and just ran the race steady, it was quite night nice picking people off as you through the field.  The race was very scenic you start on the world famous Menai Suspension Bridge and then along the coastal road in to Beaumaris Castyle and beyond, then a switch back and back along the coast road and finish in the town which means you get to see the dragon twice!!

Stafford Half, I hadn't planned on running Stafford Half, I haven't run it for a couple of year now, not really sure why as it is a great race which starts and finishes in the town centre and you had great support, but I kinda feel
been there and done that.  But I had a couple of friends who were running it as part of team Lucas (in memory of a very brave little boy call Lucas Williams, who was taken too soon)  so I had agreed to run with them and support them on the way round.  It was Sarah's first ever half marathon and was my pleasure (as her coach) to run with her and make sure she had everything she needed.  I had the most fun not only supporting Sarah but everyone who was in my orbit was getting some much needed Coach K help!

Dougie Mac 5k, Sean loves running this race and this year they had brought it back to the original route, which is out from Wedgewood, around the village and back.   This year I deceiced to join him.  As I am in Marathon training I decided that I would run the race easy and then add extra miles on the end. Little did I imagine that I would win it, which was a very nice surprise.

Market Drayton 10k, this has also been a firm favorite race of mine and it is fast becoming a firm favorite.  I think this year there was 5,000 runners taking again it is one of those races were the weather can play a big part, this year it was very very warm, but again I do like to run in the sun.  I hoped to get under 50 minutes but with the weather it wasn't going to happen!! It would be have been nice to beat my Maddog 10k time, but unfortunately I didn't have the wind helping the pace.  With great organisation, brilliant support and a fantastic goody bag it had been voted as one of Runners World best 10k for the last 4 years and you can definitely see why. 

Liverpool Half this is my most recent race and the 1st of my 3 Rock and Roll half marathons of 2016. Again it was another warm day out.  I have run a half in Liverpool before but this was a bit of a different route; we had longer in the city which was nice although I am sure there is a hotel with a statute of Billy Connelly I am sure that it isn't but I can't remember the hotel name so I can't even check.   Then as we were trotting along, we disappear up a little side street and a rather short switch back and I thought why are we going up here, surely they could have just move the start and finish a little…then as I reach the top of the switch back and there was music blaring out and then the penny dropped…you might be there before me but yes we ran up and down Penny Lane.  The finish was long coming but I managed to put the hammer down at the finish and made it under the 2 hours.

Work wise I have moved contracts, I seem to have left London just as the city was coming to life..... thats about right !!  But I am now working closer to home which is nice, I get to sleep in my own bed every night, see my other half every day and get to run with the club again! The commute is pretty simple and a little tedious but it is only short term, so I can cope with that.

The two races I have entered is Robin Hood Half which I have done 3 times and Birmingham Half which I think this will be my 5th time.  It should be a good few months race wise we have: Stone St Michaels 10k, Donnington 10miles, Potteries Marathon, Thunder run, Dublin 5k and half, Robin Hood half, Birmingham Half and finally Las Vegas half marathon!! 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Forgetful February

I wrote it but forgot to post it!  Only 15 days late SORRY

A new month and new challenges, January was a blast and it went by in a flash! There was a birthday, a wedding, a couple of flights and three countries in one day! How wonderful is that, there was some running but I did take a couple of days off when we went to Prague, I thought it was the sensible thing to do, but regretted my decision when I saw a flurry of runners out running in the snow, I looked on with envy and sort solace in my mulled wine :)

So in essence February has a lot to live up to really, so ever the planner I have been thinking about what February could have in store for me…

Fit: going to try and continue with my 10k steps a day, try and move up to four days of running and at least one cross training session
Fabulous: looking after me and treating myself to some special, not sure yet what is will be
Five a day: in my attempt to be fit and fabulous I need to make sure I have my five a day, now this is never going to be easy for me as a) my dislike of most vegetables, working away from home Monday to Friday and oh yes my DISLIKE of most vegetables. So I have found an alternative which is a power that professes to have double the recommended five a day, you mix to teaspoons with water and drink it down.  The taste is actually not too bad and as I said you can pretty much drink it in one, so I need to do some more research to make sure that all it professes is true, but for now I will take it.
Fine tune: I am continuing on my training plan and keep up the two quality sessions per week, although it is tough when you have to do them on your own, but as they say every little helps
Fall off: I am aiming to lose a few pounds, if we keep with "F" theme this could be either Five or Fifteen, where I would love to lose fifteen I am not sure it is possible, so lets day five and make sure it is a permanent loss and not a one hit wonder.

My plan for February, let see how I get on! 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

How to prepare to prepare for your marathon?

Happy New Year and with these sentiments does it also me we are in to marathon training territory?? 

You may be thinking that it is months away and you have plenty of time to get training. This is very true but you might want to start thinking about how much time you can commit to your training plan.

We all start off with very good intentions; “I declare from this point forward I will commit to 4 or 5 runs a week” however, have we had this discussion with anyone else in the household, be that your partner, kids or even the dog! Then life happens and our precious training time gets eaten away; relatives visiting, kids need a lift somewhere, you always seem to be out, the washing machine/ iron/ hoover thinks there is a power cut and your partner starts to wonder if you will ever wear anything other than lycra again.

Marathon training can take up a lot of your time not only in the training but also the thinking about it, it can be all consuming!  

It is best that you prepare for this now; have the chat with your partner, family, dog and/or boss about what this means for you. Help them understand that this is important for you to run this marathon and why, let them know it will be around 13-16 weeks of your life were you may not be around so much and that they may need to fend for themselves (however, buying an automatic cat feeder for the kids might just result in a call from social services).

Negotiate with them about what are the important (can’t miss) things that will be taking place during your training plan and plan around them. Get the calendar out and be clear when are you going on holiday, celebrating a birthday or even moving house will any of this happen in your training schedule and if so start thinking now about your strategy so your training does not get derailed.

Don’t forget in this preparing phase you can score some brownie points now ready to use up during marathon training.

But it is not just all about the partner, family or dog making sacrifices you will too; you may need to get up for a run before work or the family gets up, it does sound tough but trust me nothing beats running as the sun rises, getting back as the morning has broken and knowing you have done your bit for the day!

If you can look to see if you can have a running commute in to the office on couple of days, it is functional and saves you money on petrol. These are just a couple of suggestions and no doubt there will be others.

One of the other ways to prepare could be about researching local running clubs if you are not already a member, nothing beats sharing the pain or joy of training and with fellow runners. The best way to find out about running clubs is either through the Run Britain website or typing in running clubs and your area.

So in essence

Speak to your nearest and dearest, let them know that running is marathon is important to you but in order for you to do it you will need their support and love.

Be realistic about your personal training budget – how many days can you commit to training before the family start posting missing poster

Finally be creative, think about running as a way to get home or to undertake a normal chore.