Friday, September 7, 2018

Where have I been!

Is that the question you are all asking?  the year started promising with a blog post in January bragging about my walking 10,000 steps per day for the year and writing all about it….

No, I didn't get lost or just carry on like a walking Forest Gump...I managed 52 days in total, it was 21st Feb that let me down, only 9,823 steps! I must have fallen asleep and forgot about my target because if I have known there would be been some pre-midnight house prowling going on. The next time I missed it was 28th Feb and this time only 9,312 step…slippery slope.  

From then on in there was a definite decline in performance and it is much easier to say the number of days per month I achieved 10k a day:
March 14 days,
April  8 days
May  19 days
June 21 days
July 13 days
August 23 days

As you will imagine this is the pattern that has been replicated in my running, which for some time has been rather below par… 

I had fallen out of love and favour with running, the tight hamstrings didn’t help and neither did the long commute.  Now 45 mins to 60 mins might not seem like a long commute for some, however, for me it was too long and sometimes soul destroying; by the time I got home, a run was the last thing on my mind and running before work was not an option as I needed to start my journey to work early in order to miss all the static traffic. 

In May, I got a new contract 😊 , started work in Nottingham which was better as I could stay in Derby (Mon-Fri) and my commute was back down to 10-15 mins much more my style. Now my problem now was lack of familiarity with my surrounding and fear of getting lost in deepest darkest Derby City.  

However, I was able to continue my Gym membership with Nuffield Health, started going back to the gym again and if needs be I could use the dreadmills, although that might not be the best way to re-spark my love affair with running again.

Over the last few months, there has been progress on both my steps, my running and spinning; with my routine being spin class most evening, and every morning out for a 6am run with a quick shower at the gym and in the office for 8 ish.  I have even started to incorporate a short run interval session, which is something which you can do on your own, but for those longer tempo runs, I am going to need to find some company.

So my running goals are for the rest of the year are:
  • Consistency  running ideally 4 times a week
  • At least one quality run session a week
  • Get up to 25 miles per week by the end of year

All of this is because I have signed up for Edinburgh Marathon (hence the tracker that has appeared on my blog)…which is something I never thought I would do again…..just goes to show how things can change.

One last thing, I promise to blog more....I have a few things coming up in the next few months so potentially lots to write about

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