Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Doing things differently

Albert Einstein defined Insanity as
" doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result

This is my current mantra which is circulating round my head at the moment, I am mixing up my running again and I have joined Dec's club training sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays. These are tough sessions but instead of running up and down Campbell Road and dodging the trucks with the lads team, we run around the streets and this involves hills (by hills I mean the up part) during our tempo and interval sessions!

Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying that debs sessions are any better or worse than the lads sessions,  but it is horses for courses and the sessions even join up every now and again.  What I think works is that as reads will now I have struggled with my mjono over the last few weeks, but these sessions have helped me find my enjoyment I  running again, challenging myself and feeling uncomfortable. 

So just pulling on my trainers was not going to help because as  Albert says this  is indeed the definition of insanity,  but changing and challenging my self has helped, yes it is still tough at times but then again nothing worth having  ever came easy.  

Friday, January 2, 2015


Well as another year starts our minds turn to the goals we want to set ourselves for the up and coming year.  As I realized last year, I didn't actually commit any of mine to paper, so it is understandable that they fell by the wayside.  Having said that I did achieve a number of things and took myself out of my comfort zone, thanks to a last minute Thunder Run entry and the XC season.  But  I didn't pushed myself, in terms of pace, which is why I have been spending some time putting together my marathon training plan for London.

Last year a local marathon legend developed me a marathon plan which saw my achieve a goal of getting the qualifying time for London however, I seriously disliked the long rep's (5 minutes) and I started to loose a bit of my running mojo; I was just going through the motions which is never good. 

So this time I have decided to create my one plan, using some of the excellent sessions from last years  plan and adding some of the things I like to do as well to keep me engaged. I am going to be my own experiment and lets see what is going to happen!! 

As for my goals, they are here , they do scare me a little but you need to do things that scare you at times, so here goes......