Thursday, May 22, 2014

Edinburgh on my mind

Since my Manchester marathon Edinburgh has been on my mind; 
"will I get a good for age time, how can I change my training to improve my time by 2:30 minutes"
I developed my training plans and reflected on my experiences from last year and I hoped that my fitness from Manchester would sustain me through. I was aiming to change my diet to help drop a few pounds and turn me in to a fat burning machine, however with Madrid half marathon in the middle it is fair to say that my plans did not go according to plan.

In fact I have really struggled, struggled with finding my pace again after Manchester, struggled with having the energy to run struggled with running under 8:30 minute miling for any length of time and struggled with motivation.

To top that off last week I was floored with a sickness bug which started on Thursday  and I have only just started to feel better (Thursday), the only silver lining to that story was that it helped me to achieve my new racing weight, but it is not a healthy way to do it!!

Now  Edinburgh is on my mind and it's only 3 days and I really don't hold out much hope for getting a good for age qualifying   time for London or Boston which is sub 3:45 however I am going to still run.I am feeling much better and I am going to be using UCAN nutritional supplement that should help with to sustain my running during the marathon and just hope for a good run, I tried it this week just before my last set of reps and it worked well, just tastes usual (lets say!)

The big debate now is Garmin or no Garmin, part of me wants to wear the Garmin for the stat porn but will I beat myself up when I fall off the pace? Although one thing is for sure, this year I will make sure that I pack my running bra

Decisions decisions 

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