Well after a couple of really positive weeks my running has hit a bit of a stumble, nothing major just back to back bad runs.
I am 3 weeks away from Manchester marathon and in essence I have entered the taper period so I was thinking that my running should be getting easier but my last two runs were not good. On reflection when you look at it in the cold light of day my pace wasn't bad, I was just expecting to feel slightly better during them.
I am not going to dwell on them too much and just notch it up to fatigue, I have had a couple of back
to back 20+ long slow runs and very busy weeks at work, along with college work and assignments it is easy to see I have a lot on my plate.
I have got a target tempo run to do tomorrow (parkrun day) and hopefully that will set everything back on track,I am hoping that 48 hours recovery and rest is just was the running doctor ordered.
For all those in the final throws of training for your spring marathon, I hope your training is going well and remember one or even two bad runs does not mean you are not progressing it might be just simply a sign that you are tired, take a rest and don't beat yourself up!
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