Thursday, February 28, 2013

Curry and Quiz Eve

There is still so much to do….. I am a list person so naturally there is a list with all my outstanding jobs the only problem is that I am not sure where I put it, so I keep creating new ones!  So if you do happen upon a list that says; ring club, check curry, raffle prizes, WRITE QUIZ, helium for balloons it’s mine.

Well it will be tomorrow before I know it and it only dawned on my run yesterday that I am going to have to say a short speech eeeekkkk. Now this is quite difficult for me as I’m such a wallflower, you know the shy and retiring type, wouldn’t say boo to a goose ….no honestly it is……no seriously it is….
I take it I am not convincing you, well I wouldn’t blame you I LOVE to talk! And always have plenty to say, but I am going to have to try and keep it concise and relevant and also try not to cry. The last time I had to give a speech it sort of went; "would just like to say wahhhhh wahhhh, no no in a minute; I’m fine honest wahhh wahhh"

I couldn’t do anything for crying, you see I am normally quite emotionally reserved but at the most inopportune moments an emotional ninja strikes and I can’t string a coherent sentence together. 
So on my run tomorrow I am going to gather my thoughts and make sure that I rehearse it a couple of times, to get it just right, I know I will write it on the back of my latest list to make sure I have it with me all day…….what could go wrong with that  
I will let you know who tomorrow night goes, wish me luck!

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