Friday, July 19, 2019

this is not a dress rehearsal folks

You only have one life so live it!! There is no point waiting for something to happen, waiting retire, have enough money, until the right time comes along because you never know what is around the corner. 

Over the last few years people I have known  have been taken too soon; some through ill health, sudden catastrophe events or via tragedy. Equally I have close family and friends who have been given life limiting diagnosis's and are having to carry on living their lives.

After each tragic announcement I take stock, reflect on my life what do I enjoying, what is bringing me joy and what is brining me down. Because the saying is true life is too short and you never know when your time is going to be up or when you can no longer do what you once did.

You don’t want to reflect on your life and wish you had: laughed more, loved more, spent more time with loved ones, danced in the rain, sung your favourite song at karaoke, hung out and chilled with those you love. 

I encourage everyone to take stock; do more of what you love, reduce the time you spend on the things that don’t bring you joy. Try and find the balance between being healthy vs indulgent and if you struggle with being too indulgent then be active.

Learn to love yourself what ever shape you are in, your body is a wonderful powerful machine and there are many who are currently going through treatment who would wish to have the body you have.

When your time is up, no one is going to care that you worked those extra hours, or you had an empty washing/   ironing basket, a spotless house or not a wrinkle insight  what they are going to miss is you. Make them smile at the memories made together and they’ll take comfort in the fact you lived your life to the fullest!

Now go out let go of the anger, negativity as they only person they hurt is you.  Go and be around people you love,  make awesome memories and hold on to those things.