Not really a post, but just wanted to share with you all one of my aims for 2018 #walkmore
My walking streak started on the 23rd December and so far I have achieved an 18 days; the aim to achieve 10,000 steps a day for 365 days with out a break
It is a little boring wandering round the streets at night, it take me back to when I was a teenager! But hopefully as the weather improves new routes should open up to me.
It does feel a little odd walking for walking's sake, you see a lot of dog walkers out there and I''m sure they are wondering what I'm doing marching down the street towards them, perhaps if I had a dog lead so it looks like I'm walking my dog... the only problems is there is no dog!
You may be asking why am I walking and not running, well I have a little niggle I am trying to recover from so running is off at the minute.