But alas no, the course was short; I thought it was
at the then but I wasn't sure if it was just the old Garmin satellites playing
up. However I have had it confirmed, from a reliable source, that unfortunately
at the very last minute the race organisers had to change to the course, which made the course. I have no malice against the course organisers or anyone
else, at the end of the day if I want to have a time like that I will have to
run a time like that, it really is that simple.

When all is said and done, the chips are down and scores are
on the doors, yes you might be coming out on top, but really was it a level
playing field? in your heart of hearts you know it was right and wasn't your
win, your PB or record to hold.
However I did get a PB at the Great North Run at the weekend and that is official :)