Friday, September 28, 2012

Only gone and done it!!

I am in!

In the London Marathon for 2013, unfortunately I was not successful through the ballot, however I did have a number of back up plans and one of those came off.  I am running next year’s Virgin London Marathon for Macmillan Cancer Support, to tell you the truth I would have been raising money for them anyway if I had got a place, as it helps to have something to give me the virtual kick up the bum when it is cold and rainy outside and I don’t want to train. The fund raising target is a little steep at £2,000 but I think I will be able to pull it off, there will be a series of events and fundraising going on over the next few months. 

As this is a new (ish) blog it may be worthwhile giving you a little bit of history about how cancer has touched my life. 

Me & Dad 1974
My own story is that of my dad, a nice chap someone you want on your side, always willing to help you out and can turn his hand to anything and everything, although navigation is not one of his strong suits ;). 

It was during the end of 2010 and he beginning of 2011 that he got the devastating news he had bladder cancer, his and our world started to crumble.  THE BIG C, this was the first time it had hit our family in such a direct way. I did what I do best and that was research, research research and the MacMillian Cancer support site provided me with the information and access to real people who were going through or had been though something very similar to ourselves.  It was reassuring to get good, easy and readable information about what was going on and real people who were living testaments that life goes on.

It is hard to believe that barely a year after the news my Dad had has his chemo, had his operation and now is back to his old self again getting on and enjoying his retirement, annoying my mum and getting lose where every he goes.

I know we are the lucky ones and ours is a positive story, there are others who have lost loved ones and friends before their time.  Macmillan Cancer support is there for all and provides a much valued service and support for people when they need it the most.  

The reason I am running to raise money is because I can, I am fit and able to put one foot in front of the other, there are plenty of people who would love to but can’t so for them I am running!

Monday, September 3, 2012

When work and running collide

This is a little bit of a rant post so please forgive me, however I need to get it off my chest, it has bugged me all night during ‘shortened’ run tonight.

The last few days work has really dedicated my life outside of the office walls, now don’t get me wrong normally I don’t mind going that extra mile for work I have been known to work long days check my emails while on leave (aboard) and at weekend, however just recently it seems to be a little more demanding than recently.

Perhaps it was then  that I noticed that there seems to be a little bit of discrimination  in the work place; between those people who have children and those of us who have other commitments outside of work… I don’t know lets for example say running. 

When I try to leave work ON TIME, that is not early but on time, so I can fit in my schedule run then I get comments like; "your only going for run, can't you skip it" or "you can always go later" or the favourite "running is bad for you knees!"

This brings me right back to the last two days at work, Friday’s run had to be cut from 8 miles run to 6 and tonight’s rung cut from 11 miles to 7. Now losing out on 6 miles, might not seem like a lot but these miles start to creep up and before you know it your 40 mile week and end up doing a 30 mile a week and when you are training for something those miles count.  It just goes to show that some people just don’t get it.

Perhaps I'm fortunate with no kids I can squeeze these runs in and it only affects me and long suffering other half. But the point is that my runs are like my children, I need to make sure that I find time for it.  Without running I would be a lot more stressed, unhealthy and probably at least a stone over weight, my running puts balance back in to life.

RUNNING COMMUTE “, I hear you shout; been there and done that.  I try at least once week to include a running commute from work and during the summer I nailed that 2 day running commute; drive to work on day 1 and run home and get up the next day run to work and then drive home. A sneaky way to sneak to make sure you get 2 runs in and save on petrol ;-)

However even these can get pushed to the wire and with the nights are drawing in again, these might have to go all together got to stay safe out there!

Well rant over, not sure I have change the world, but I feel a little better now and I am sorry if I have offended you, but this my opinion and my blog.