After my experience at the Stafford 20 I was a little apprehensive and worried that I would struggle through the race , it does seem a little daft considering am quite experienced at running this distance, but Stafford 20 taught me never to under-estimate a race, make sure you prepare correctly!!
So in the run up to Liverpool I was drinking plenty of water at work, on the Saturday I may have gone over board, but better safe than sorry! We were car hunting on the Saturday so at virtually every garage we stopped at I was familiarising myself with the facilities . Finishing the day off with a good healthy tea with protein and complex carbs (well my take on complex carbs, Steak, Mushrooms, Cheese and Chips!)
Sunday did not start well it was cold, grey and pouring down in Stoke , so I got straight on to twitter to asked people what the weather was like in Liverpool and made sure I had a top for every eventuality. Although I needn’t have worried my twitter friends had posted pictures and there where blue skies over the pool! Unfortunately it took a little longer than expected to get to Liverpool and with stopping for a pre race pit stop I was a little late to the start I couldn’t get in a pen and I didn’t catch up with my running buddy Sharon . I had to filter in to the side of the pen and it was quite sometime before I crossed the start line and then I was off. As I said I was a little worried about how I would fair on the race, but I had agreed with myself that I would just go out and run, not worry about a PB just see how I feel. The weather was now on my side, blue skies and sunny, with a slight breeze , although it is billed as a flat race there were couple of hills but nothing I couldn’t cope with.
All in all it was a nice race , I can’t say it was easy and there where points I wanted to stop, but I carried on, even with…. butt ache … around 3 miles in I started to get a pain in my right butt cheek but I carried on. I made sure that I took on water at every station and even managed to get a couple of my jelly babies, although a lot did end up on the floor. There is a lovely stretch along the sea front which was lovely, flat with a nice sea breeze and then before I knew it we were rounding the corner and the finish was in sight, I wasn’t sure if had a BP or not; I was just happy that I hadn’t stopped and I was enjoying it in some small way.
The T-shirt and medal where lovely